Don't Go It Alone.

Become a Member

AFM Entertainment

The First Federation-operated International Booking Agency.

Are you missing out on new gigs? Get listed today. Visit for more information.

AFM Entertainment is now accepting registration from AFM members who are solo artists or leaders of bands and ensembles in every genre of music.

As an online booking and referral service, your success depends on a strong presentation—every act on the website needs to look and sound great. By this, we simply mean that you need: 

  • professional bio for your group
  • quality audio
  • professional photos
  • at least one good YouTube video
  • your song list or repertoire

Net wages will be at or above the local union’s wage scales, and Locals will receive both work dues (if applicable) and contracts. AFM Entertainment will handle all communications with a potential purchaser.

Visit for more information. (AFM members: login with the same username and password you use for the members area. )

AFM Entertainment reserves the right to accept, reject or edit any submitted materials.