Ne faites pas cavalier seul.

Devenir Membre

Local: Local 118, Warren Federation of Musicians

Local 118, Warren Federation of Musicians

Local #: 118

Jurisdiction Notes:

All of Astabula, Lake, Mercer, and Venango Counties. That part of Trumbul County to include Mesopotamia, Bloomfield, Greene, Farmington, Bristol, Mecca, Southington, Champion, Cortland, Bazetta, Braceville, Howland, Newton, Lordstown, Niles, also part of Portage County including Nelson, Windhan, Paris. All of Geauga County except Geauga Lake Park, which is in the jurisdiction of Local 24, Akron, OH. In PA, all of Lawrence County except the southern portion, which is in the jurisdiction of Local 82-545, Beaver Falls, PA. All of Forest County except Howe, Jenks and Barnett which are in the jurisdiction of Local 41. All of Clarion County except that portion which is in the jurisdiction of Local 630. The following in Crawford County: East Fallowfield, West Fallowfield, South Shenango, West Shenango and Titusville. Also the following townships in Trumbell County, OH: Hartford, Fowler, Johnston, Vernon, Gustavus, Kinsman and Brookfield. In PA, all of Lawrence County except the southern portion, which is in the jurisdiction of Local 82-545, Beaver Falls, PA.

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